Family Court did not know whether it was “doing more harm than good.”
Richard Foster (CEO)
Trumpet of Patriots will urgently establish a Royal Commission to expose and understand what billions of dollars paid to it by Australian parents to the Family Law Industry has actually achieved.
“Family Law” as it functions today will be replaced by “Family Separation Support” with direct ministerial accountability for ensuring that beneficial outcomes are the measure of a new system designed to enable separating parents and their children to move on with their lives as amicably as possible.
The new legislation will allow most people to resolve their matters without the need to engage in an adversarial legal process by prescriptively answering the essential questions that 47 years of legal precedents currently avoid;
The failure to do so is the root cause of significant direct and indirect financial costs borne by Australian parents. Our community bears enormous costs in adverse human and societal impacts. Many murders and suicides are also linked to a failed system that successive governments have ignored or condoned by their constant failure to properly investigate or oversee.
“Family Separation Support” will be governed by new, clear laws enabling the normal case to be dealt with in a similar fashion to how property transactions are handled by conveyancers, taxation matters by accountants, etc. New laws, rules, and regulations governing the usual course of events will aim to avoid the need to rely on an adversarial process that too often results in long-lasting acrimony that benefits no one other than the Legal Industry.