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Welcome to Trumpet of Patriots

  • A Vision for our Country

    An Australia that unifies the people, always acts in their best interest, and maximises the potential of our whole nation.

    Trumpet of Patriots is the only party in the history of Australia to have a process and system to ensure our representatives serve the people who elect them. Not those who select them.

    Trumpet of Patriots has created a commitment where our candidates sign a contract with their constituents that they will represent them, not a political party.
  • A Credible Alternative

    At last, a credible alternative to counter the incompetence and corruption of Labor/Greens and Liberal/Nationals.

    Trumpet of Patriots is the only party in the history of Australia to have a process and system to ensure our representatives serve the people who elect them. Not those who select them.

    Trumpet of Patriots has created a commitment where our candidates sign a contract with their constituents that they will represent them, not a political party.
  • People or Party?

    Do you want representatives who represent you the people or them the party? Major parties demand loyalty above the people. We don't.

    Trumpet of Patriots is the only party in the history of Australia to have a process and system to ensure our representatives serve the people who elect them. Not those who select them.

    Trumpet of Patriots has created a commitment where our candidates sign a contract with their constituents that they will represent them, not a political party.

Trumpet of Patriots Community Commitment

Commitment I

Every month we commit to holding a town hall public meeting in your local council/ward or electorate with an open agenda where the people can come and listen to how we have been representing them and ask any question they want.

Commitment II

Every month we commit to running a democracy training session for constituents to attend to learn about the Australian political system and local councils and how each person can participate.

Commitment III

We commit to voting independently of the political organisation if any policy does not align with the needs and expectations of the people in your community/electorate that we represent.

Commitment IV

We commit to never participate in rushed legislation that has not been considered by qualified members of your electorate other than legislation that is in the direct interest of the immediate national security of our nation.

Commitment V

We commit to ensuring that every new proposed bill and amended legislation will first be put to a People’s Legislative Review Group in your electorate. The feedback will be provided to the relevant Australian or state parliament or local council.
See how the People’s Legislative Review Group works.

Commitment VI

We commit to using technology to hear the voice of the people and not use technology against the people. We are committed to ensuring that a democracy in your hand private communications app is launched as soon as possible.

Why Trumpet of Patriots is Needed?

None of us in this party ever wanted to be in politics. We are here because Australia has been led down the wrong path by the major parties and their coalition partners, who have devastated and divided our nation.

The major parties have become totalitarian organisations. Their MPs are a self-serving apparatchik, not interested in listening to their constituents. They spruik what their bosses (who are funded by commercial interests) tell them to.
We want to listen to you

Trumpet of Patriots's foundational principle is to listen to the community and have a cordial dialogue based on a best-practice policy framework, to examine all policies transparently on the basis of evidence.

Everyone’s views matter since no one has a monopoly on the truth. Through this process we will offer robust and innovative policies that are also continuously improved.

Incompetence and corruption of the major parties

The big parties have lied to the People and acted incompetently in managing public health, the economy and defence.

They have exaggerated the magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic by nearly 50 times and adopted policies straight from Communist China. In this process, they have taken on a mountain of debt and put Australia’s economy and defence at risk.

Their policy of shutting down international and internal borders, cramping supply chains, and taking on massive debt have created massive inflation and fed into high home prices. A stench of corruption pervades these parties: they are not driven by Australia’s interests.

Something is very wrong

When we engage with the community, this is what we hear:

  • People are concerned that families, even with two incomes, often cannot make ends meet. Many families pay almost 60% of their income towards a home mortgage. Energy prices have shot sky-high over the past 10 years. People are concerned that they will be taxed heavily to pay back the vast debt the Liberal Party has accumulated.
  • People have seen the negligence of the major parties towards Australia’s defence and are concerned about national security in the face of increasing threats.
  • Many people want workplaces of the kind they had in the past, in which they were engaged for life with a purpose, not temporary contractors.
  • People want to consume safe food that is produced in Australia. The seas surround Australia, so why do we need to import seafood?
  • People are concerned about Australia’s loss of manufacturing capacity, so we drive foreign cars. We are forced to rely on offshore supply chains, which have failed us, particularly over the past two years. Likewise, people believe we have failed to add value to the resources we dig out of the ground. We do not refine our fuel and are dependent on ships from Singapore.
  • People are concerned about big retailers' displacement of small businesses, with small domestic suppliers being forced against the wall during price negotiations. Small business is everywhere on the back foot.
  • And while people mostly agree that skilled migrants add significant value to Australia (and cultural diversity), they worry that our disadvantaged communities are not receiving the opportunity to develop marketable skills. Excessive migration and the need to use our resources more productively is a concern.

Trumpet of Patriots is committed to listening to these and all other concerns of the People and jointly formulating solutions that work for all of us.

A Chronology of Incompetence and Corruption of the Major Parties


All Australians were employed with plenty of work available.
We consumed our own produce from local community farming plots and local producers.
We manufactured everything we needed onshore.
We refined our own fuels onshore from stockpiles of oil.
We could afford to run a family from one wage if we wanted.
We had local community retail shops like ‘corner stores’ that dominated the landscape of Australian suburbs employing thousands of Australians.
Skilled workers were trained by local industry.
Manufacturing was dominant and added value to our own natural resources.
Utilities were state owned and operated to make essential services affordable and available to all.
We consumed local produce, like seafood, from our own waters.
We drove cars made in Australia.

Post 1975

Complete displacement and bastardisation of the workforce.
We import and consume substandard food and produce that we once produced ourselves.
We have lost our capacity to manufacture and supply chains to the point we are reliant on production offshore.
We have 4 weeks supply of fuel, we don’t refine fuel and we are dependent on ships from Singapore.
Our families cannot make ends meet with two income generators where many are paying 60% plus of their income to a home mortgage.
We get our food from a few big retailers where all the suppliers are screwed to the wall. Organic milk 20 cents a litre.
We import skilled workers.
We add no value to the resources we dig out of the ground.
Utilities and power grids have been privatised and people cannot afford their power bills.
We eat seafood from overseas when we are surrounded by oceans producing the same.
We drive foreign cars.

Our Policies

Trumpet of Patriots is committed to listening to the voice of the Australian people.

As described in the six-step community commitment (above) we are committed to introducing innovative policy  initiatives and gaining input from people around Australia.

This process will ensure that legislation being considered before the parliament will be both known to the Australian people as well as enhanced and improved by the Australian people. 

It’s all about including you in the development, growth, and improvement of our great nation.

That’s why we call it our policy  philosophies. You know where we are heading and together, we can fine-tune policies to make sure they work for all Australians.

Have a look below at some of our key policy initiatives…

View Our Policies below

It is time for Australia's people to stand up and say
"enough is enough".

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© Trumpet of Patriots 2024
ABN: 89 675 531 191
Authorised by Glenn O’Rourke, Morphett Vale South Australia 5162